Q: “Will martial arts, karate, tae kwon do teach my child to be hostile and aggressive?”
A- Absolutely not. Children learn a lot about what it means to be respectful and polite here. As a result, kids who weren't violent in the first place become even more respectful and kind. Kids with behavior problems often become very respectful an calm.
Q: “Does my child face a risk for injury with martial arts, karate, tae kwon do?”
A- Our program is extremely safe. We have measures upon measures in place to insure that your child will stay safe, and have a great time. From stretching to warmups to very close supervision - we've got your child covered. Injuries do happen sometimes - but they're quite rare.
Q: “Can my child still participate in martial arts, karate, tae kwon do if he/she is not athletic?”
A- Yes! In fact, martial arts is kind of a beacon of light for kids who just don't fit into team sports. Kids who never could throw a ball well or run fast find that martial arts is accessible to them. It's something they excel at, and as a result, their confidence soars.
Q: “What ages are the other kids in the martial arts, karate, tae kwon do class?”
A- We have classes for kids as young as 4, and as old as teenagers. Martial arts is the kind of thing that grows with you. So as kids get older, they learn new techniques, perfect old ones, and advance. When they're younger, it's more about fun and games, with learning thrown in too.
Q: “Do boys AND girls take martial arts, karate, tae kwon do?”
A- Yes! We have a good mix of both girls and boys in our kids martial arts classes! Some people think that the boys are much "stronger and tougher," but in reality this is not true. In fact, often girls are the stronger ones!
Adult Martial Arts
Q: “Is there a risk for injury with martial arts?”
A-Any sport or form of exercise comes with a risk of injury. However, there are a few things that make our program very safe. It's because of these few things that we barely see any injuries with our program.
Stretching: At the beginning of every class we go through a series of stretches. These stretches get your muscles and joints ready and warmed up for exercise.
Supervision: Every class is supervised by trained, licensed professionals. We watch carefully to make sure no student is doing anything in a dangerous or unsafe way.
In short, we place a tremendous amount of focus on fun and safety. It's because of this that we feel confident telling you that while there is risk for injury with our program - it's a very small risk.
Q: “Do you have to be in good shape to take martial arts?”
A- Not at all! In fact, many people use martial arts as a way to get in good shape. They come to us out of shape, and quickly become athletic and limber.
Q: “I've heard martial arts is violent. Is this true?”
A- Absolutely not! Martial arts is about peace, balance & harmony. It's about becoming in touch with your body and all of life. It's about happiness and fulfillment.
The self-defense techniques you learn help you become flexible and strong. They help you become confident and proud.
The guiding principles of martial arts help you diffuse situations before violence becomes a part of them. However, if a hostile situation does ever come about, you'll have the tools you need to keep you and your loved ones safe.
Q: “What kind of physical shape do I need to be in?”
A- Any! We have students who are in great shape, and others who aren't. Everyone has a great experience, and learns a ton in every class. Those who start out in not-so-great shape often get in shape very quickly. So if this is you, have no fear! Just come in.
Q: “What should I do if I have a medical condition?”
A- If you have a medical condition, a past injury that required surgery and still troubles you from time to time, or anything else that may be of concern… Please speak to a medical professional before joining our classes.
Chances are you'll be more than able to come and enjoy learning martial arts. But there may be certain exercises that you'll have to take it slow on. Just let us know what your doctor says!
Q: “Are these classes violent? Can I get hurt?”
A- People often associate martial arts with violence. After all, you're learning self-defense techniques. However, there's a big difference between self-defense and violence.
Self-defense means you seek a peaceful way of life, only defending yourself is you absolutely have to. Violence means seeking out hostile situations.
While injury is possible with any form of exercise - we're proud to say that injuries are very rare here. We go to extreme lengths to make sure you learn martial arts in a safe, effective way.
Q: “What's the environment of these classes like? Are they fun? Serious? Etc.?”
A- Our classes are a good mixture of fun & focus. Every class has moments of serious concentration, blended with sheer fun & laughter. After all, all work and no play makes for boring classes!
Fitness Kickboxing
Q: “Will my class be in a group or 1-on-1?”
A- Most likely you'll be in a group class. However we gladly offer private classes for those that are interested. Feel free to ask any of our instructors for more info on private classes!
Q: “How many other people will there be in my class?”
A- You can most likely expect 15-30, give or take a few depending on the day / time. We always make sure there are enough instructors no matter the class size though.